Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Rule & Interpretation Dealing With Cell Phones

Since we have already had an officials school in Texas it might be time to bring up a discussion of a new rule in the 2011 FAC regarding cell phone usage.

Here is the new rule:

Page 19 of the new FAC (Comment 26.3) --The new comment states that if a cell phone rings between points, it should result in a Time Violation. Should a time violation be given any time a phone rings except during play?

Explanation from the powers on high: Yes. That is the intent of the comment, to get players to turn their cell phones off. "Between points" is anytime the ball is not in play once the match has started, except for an authorized rest period or suspension in which players leave the court. i.e. a medical timeout, change of end, end of game, etc.

As all of my blogging tennis officials, HOW WOULD YOU INTERPRET THIS RULE???


RM said...

So we are not to give a time violation when they are changing ends or between games?


Yoda said...

It would appear that is the case ole wise one. But you still need to assess lateness penalties if a player fails to arrive on time for their match.

Anonymous said...

Not much teeth in this new rule. The first offence for a time violation is a WARNING. The players have already received warnings from the tournament desk, the entry form and most likely the roving official to turn their cell phones off.

RM said...

Now they get a warning (if its their first time violation) so they should all know to put them up.

On the other hand, we will look like loons trying to explain this weird interpretation of "between points" to an ignorant public.

Anonymous said...

So what's the difference between
'between points' and 'during points'?

Yoda said...

In this situation, during the point would result in hindrance, loss of point. Between the points, it would result in a time violation.