I had a great question raised by a blogger over the weekend and said I would put it out there for all your collective wisdom... Here you go:
SCENARIO: In a women's ITA dual match, Team A had their head coach and one assistant. Before the match they also wanted to add the men's head coach as their third coach.
Would you allow this?
(Hint) Someone called the ITA offices and were told that they could not add the men's head coach as their third coach.
I believe the ITA would be wrong in their interpretation of the rule. The ITA rule states "Coaching is permitted by the head coach and two designated coaches, who may be an assistant coach and/or a registered volunteer coach and/or player. All assistant coaches and volunteer coaches must be on the institutional coaching list and registered with their respective school. Two coaches may coach on the same court at one time."
There are some schools where the Women's and Men's team has the same coach pulling double duty. Does that mean they can no longer coach both teams?
If in doubt, has anybody contacted Ms. Jane Goodall (i.e., the missing link)?
I would hope no one would contact Jane Goodman as she has NOTHING to do with ITA rules,but is an advisor on (mostly very old),USTA rules where no ITA rule has been written.
The answer to your question is very clear:
If the person designated has been listed by the institution as a Coach of any nature or as a student athlete, there is no question they may be designated
I want to know where the documentation can be found that backs up the ITA's ruling. Assuming Team A's, men's coach and women's coach are paid out of different budgets, there could be an argument that he was indeed a volunteer for the women's team.
I actually can see where ITA is coming from, if there are 2 seperate teams and coaches for each team, then no the Men's and Women's coach should not be interchangeable. Now if the school lists both coaches on the men's and women's team pages then they are and should be considered as legit coaches.
Sounds like the inmates running the asylum, once again.
If a Coach tells the Referee:"this is my designated 3rd Coach",they are!
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