Here is the email from our local official:
I was working the Dallas Champ tournament at Garland on Saturday. About mid-way through the morning, a gentleman comes over to introduce himself. He had been around all morning long, but had not said anything to the referee (working the desk), or myself. He told me he was on the Junior Tennis Committee started to tell me about their new program. I said "oh yeah, the sportsmanship ambassadors." He seemed to be a bit surprised that I was aware of the program. He told me he was there to help if he could and to let me know if there were any players he wanted me to keep an eye on while I was roving. That day, I had 11 courts and the configuration did not allow all the courts to be monitored at once. Neal (from Austin) came across as friendly and sincere and seemed to understand that officials could not actually observe everything and that the kids knew when to hold off on the shenanigans when the officials were close. I made it a point to check with Neal a couple of times later on during the day to see if he saw anything report-worthy. The only thing he saw was the same kid that I had cautioned earlier in the day. Neal also made it a point to mention that SAs could hand out suspension points (I already knew this...) Overall, I felt like I had someone else there to help observe behaviors and because of the introduction and friendliness, I didn't feel like I was being spied on.
Well, it sounds like we´re off to a good start! Hope this continues and they are open to identifying themselves to the officials. They should begin by introducing themselves to the referee.
The future will tell . . .
Just got finished as Site Referee for a tournament.
Question: Player A gets 3 code violations (abuse, language in a match = default. Is Player entitled to appeal default of match? Our intepretation = No due to 3 strikes.
Player A was subsequently defaulted from Tournament as FAC mentioned player defaulted for misconduct is not allowed to finish tournament. This might be appealable I assume?
Next question would be what if the 3rd strike came from a 3rd Overrule, after 2 strikes previously, would this be considered misconduct? Just throwing it out there.
QUESTION: Do these 'Ambassadors' get lunch provided?? All that spying surely would make someone hungry!!
If so, do they share it with the officials?
I assume that they have to pay for their own lunches but then they can turn in expense report to the Texas Section. Hopefully they will buy and then share with the official.
The point is: watch out for someone coming up and offering to share their lunch with you.
Just a question... Why do you guys think the SA's have to introduce themselves to the tournament and officiating staff?
They should notify the referee because it is his/her responsibility when the tournament is in progress.
Plus, its just common courtesy.
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