Much has been said lately about our "undercover officials" and I have now received official word that their new name is SPORTSMANSHIP AMBASSADORS. Since I would not wish to falsely accuse someone of something, I will henceforth use their new name when refereeing to this new concept. Hopefully everyone will be able to adjust quickly to their new monicker...
Here are the Section approved guidelines for our SPORTSMANSHIP AMBASSADORS:
Sportsmanship Ambassador Guidelines
* Purpose of Sportsmanship Ambassadors is not to supplant officials or tournament staff. You are simply notifying the Competitive Department when you witness infractions.
* Do not get into discussions with players and parents, or interact with players in any way, unless harm is imminent.
* Be objective.
* Do not interfere with or disrupt a match in any way.
* Provide reports quickly and in writing (email is fine) noting witnesses when possible.
* Never, under any circumstance, assess point penalties under the PPS of the Friend at Court. Though you may choose to inform the referee or another official of your report, it is not required. At no time should you inform either player of your ensuing report.
I can agree with these guidelines but with reservations. I still think there is a strong possibility of lawsuits when a committee member can cause a player to get suspension points simply by writing up a report. Remember that this report by a committee member can generate suspension points which is the same as when they are given an oncourt code violation. Only time will tell the effectiveness of this new policy...
I would also like to have seen the wording changed to say that if they observe an infraction, they should immediately inform the REFEREE since this is his responsibility and not their's. Our officials are trained in handling issues that arise.
So, on goes the saga of our new SPORTSMANSHIP AMBASSADORS... We will have to see where it leads in the days to come.
So, if an SA sees an infraction and informs the referee, what's the referee supposed to do? Ask an umpire to go to the court and monitor it instead of one of the other 11 (avg) courts the umpire has been assigned? "Keep a sharp eye" for any other infractions by this individual? Follow the individual around monitoring his/her behavior?? Certainly, no code violation can be issued unless an official observed the alledged infraction.
If I was the referee I would appreciate the SA telling me if something was going on. I might even let them borrow a shirt, take a quick provisional exam, and put them out on the court to take care of it...
Seriously, I would appreciate their letting me know so I could leave the other 10 courts unattended and go check on that one.
so we only have to have to "take a quick provisional exam, and put them out on the court to take care of it... My training was always more substantial than that
My statement about the quick provisional exam was meant in jest. Sorry about the misunderstanding...
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