From time to time we experience some funny moments as officials--and today was one of those moments for me...
I was refereeing a women's dual match and was standing outside the court watching a new trainee doing the #1 singles when I got a text message...
The text message was from one of our good old Texas officials who was standing on the court roving two singles matches. The text simply read: this is like watching paint dry.
Now I will leave it up to your imagination to figure out who the official was...
(I thought it was an accurate statement and quite an innovative method of sending it.)
I thought electronic devices weren't allowed during ITA matches.
What a great resource!
Cell phones serve as up-to-date walkie talkies for us officials. Texting allows the referee to stay in contact with matches in progress. What better way to use technology, provided of course you have technology-savy officials.
As far as I know, there is NO requirement that an official can't have an electronic device while on court. If you don't believe me, then why does the US Open have phones on each court and other tournaments have walkie talkies for the officiating crew to communicate to home base.
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