Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Walk Down The Slippery Slope of DIVERSITY

Any true student of history will tell you that once a society begins a journey down a mandated path they always slide into excess. DIVERSITY simply means having a cross-section of people and beliefs and will naturally occur if people are left to their own resources. In society, people tend to gravitate toward their own social level more than color, sex, or sexual orientation.

Personally, I have no problem with DIVERSITY in the ranks of tennis officials--just don't dictate to me that I have to do it. A good official will always use wisdom and discernment in their personal choices so we need to trust our friends to do what is right. I also don't mind the higher ups telling me that I have to hire people who know the rules but I do rebel when they tell me I have to hire someone because of the color of their skin or sexual orientation.

In America today we are seeing a mandated type of diversity that is quickly leading us to excess. Here are some proofs of that excess:

The Illustrious Dennis Rodman

(President Obama's Transgendered Appointee)

President Obama recently named Amanda Simpson to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.

Here is her statement to the press: "I'm truly honored to have received this appointment and am eager and excited about this opportunity that is before me. And at the same time, as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."


Anonymous said...

I just wonder what she looked like when she was a man.

Anonymous said...

She is way too good looking for them to hire her at the US Open but then you never know what they are going to do. If she threatens to sue then I'm sure she will get the job.

Anonymous said...

:) She's cute... :)

Say Randy, did you get her number?

Anonymous said...

One word: PUKE

Anonymous said...

This is the reason why I WON'T hire minorities or queers to work for me. If the USTA thinks they can push this crap down our throats, they have another thing coming. Besides, since we are nothing more than contract laborers, the USTA has no authority to tell us who we can / or can't hire.

Wally said...


Actually, that's the reason 'this person' got this job; to fill a spot with a transgender person. You know, 'a token'.

K S Holmes said...

It still has one X and one Y chromosone. Therefore, it's not a woman. It's just another amputee. Which I suppose still fits into the "diversity" mandate; just in a different category.

Anonymous said...

K.S. , Wouldn't this person also be consider disabled, and qualify for disability?

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine hopping in bed with her and then finding out she is a he!