Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Welcome To Our World--Working With The New "Millennials"

Since we live in an ever-changing world, we are now confronted with a whole new generation called "millennials."  It is difficult to explain what it is like enlisting them and then working with them because there are so many valleys and mountaintops.  Suffice it to say, we are all still learning how to adjust to our newcomers.  Here are some of their traits:

*  Have no problems with self-confidence and self-image.
*  Not adept at arriving on time.
*  Pays little attention to detail.
*  Impossible to view them apart from their cell phones and I pads.
*  Usually very astute in their personal appearance and grooming.
*  Need to work frequently to help pay for their clothes and hair styles.
*  Usually a lot of fun but have a very short attention span.
*  Loves to be in the chair for the #1 match but frequently get into trouble.
*  Nearly always above average in intelligence.
*  Great at fixing the malfunctioning scorekeeper.
*  Can find almost any app for you in a matter of minutes.
*  Great attribute to the team if you can keep them focused and faithful.
*  Not given to a strong work ethic and tend to float in their allegiances.
*  Love to give a fist bump when you do most anything.
*  Fairly gullible when it comes to things in everyday life.
*  Like to have a mentor but only for about 10 minutes and then they think they know it all.
*  Don't do well with an overbearing and irate coach.  They don't handle conflict well at all.

In my exuberance to properly define our millennial friends, I found this definition in a contemporary dictionary.  It fits well...

"A special little snowflake.  Born between 1982 and 1994, this generation is something special, cause Mom and Dad and their 5th grade teacher Mrs. Winotsky told them so.  Plus, they have a whole shelf of participation trophies sitting at home so it has to be true.

They believe themselves to be highly intelligent, the teachers and lecturers constantly gave them "A"s in order to keep Mom and Dad from complaining to the Dean.  Unfortunately, nobody explained to them the difference between an education and grade inflation so they tend to demonstrate poor spelling and even poorer grammar.

At work, millennials believe themselves to be overachievers who just aren't understood by their loser bosses.  Even Mom said so when she showed up for the interview.  They are the only generation in the universe to understand the concept of work - life balance and to actually want to find a fulfilling career.  All those Gen X losers just don't get it what with their hoping to keep their jobs and pay the
bills but they are just corporate drones so who cares what they think?  They should be smart like Millennials and get Mom and Dad to pay for that stuff until they can work out what they want to do with their lives and then get rich doing it."

We will have to adjust to having them on the scene and applying for officiating opportunities--now we just have to figure out what to do with them...


Unknown said...

Don't forget, we need safe spaces and are offended by everything.

RM said...

Since I can offend them with most anything and everything, I quit worrying about it. When they ask for their "safe spaces" I just recommend them to Houston and send their names to Ginny James and Nancy Vivero.

Pico de Gayo said...

Don't forget their NUMBER ONE trait. They get bored easily and move on to other things within 6 months.