Monday, March 02, 2015

Gender Diversity & Style All In The Same Match!

Texas A&M vs Tennessee ITA Officials
(Ginny James, Terry Gatzki, Vickie Wright, Randy McDonald, Betty Boyd, Mary Lynn Satur, Buffy Powell)

Vickie Wright sporting her stylish "fur boa" for cold weather.

The men's match today between Texas A&M and the University of Tennessee featured some great men's collegiate tennis--and a great example of "gender diversity" and stylishness on the part of a superbly dressed official.

Pictured above is referee Randy McDonald with his 6 worthy teammates.  The second picture features Vickie Wright of Austin, Texas showing off her fur boa which she wore to overcome the cold weather.

Let it never be said that Texas ITA officials aren't on the cutting edge of everything relevant...


Poofy said...

WHAT - No SEC gear... Randy, you are missing out on making easy money!

Bubba Jo said...

Yikes - ALL Women for an SEC Men's match. Are you FU%&*ING CRAZY?