Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all of our blogging friends a Happy Thanksgiving.  In our tennis officials family we truly have much to be thankful for this year.  Here are a few of our reasons for our thankfulness.

*  Thankful for all our friends in our tennis family.

*  Thankful that January is nearly here and we can begin the new ITA season.  Not so sure we are going to be thankful for all the new rule changes but that is yet to be seen.

*  Thankful for all the new officials who have joined our ranks in the past year.

*  Thankful for the times we all got to spend with Bernie West and Millard Countryman.  Now that they are both "home", we can reflect and rejoice in our many good times together.


Anonymous said...


Lots to be thankful for including our time here on earth with Millard and Bernie!


Charlie Brown said...

What are you thankful for? I'm thankful I don't have to socialize with pro chair officials this holiday season.

Lucy said...

Haha luv Charlie Brown.

Anonymous said...

judge not Charlie

Charlie Brown said...

Ah, I was rewarded with not having to spend a moment of my valuable time conversing with a pro chair official. My Thanksgiving is complete! It was the most enjoyable Thanksgiving of all time.

Ricky said...

Charlie Brown, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with pro chair officials all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a pro line official.