Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Father/Son Is Real--What About Coach/Player?

There is not a greater moment in a father's life than when the son does something wonderful and someone says, "like father, like son."  It is an undeniable truth that sons learn to mimick their father's behavior at an early age and continue to adopt his values and ethics throughout the rest of their lives.  This is always a admirable trait--unless the father teaches the son to be less than desirable.

As we officials go to and fro throughout the country the inevitable question always arises--do collegiate players take on the personality of their coach?  Does the humble and gentlemanly young man have a coach with the same attributes?  If so, then does the unruly player have a coach who exhibits those same qualities?

The question of the day is this:  Do collegiate players take on the personality of the coach?

I would venture to say a resounding "yes" but would love to hear you thoughts and opinions on this one.


Wally said...

Let's hope not!!

Anonymous said...

Exhibit A, TCU

I rest my case