Monday, October 01, 2012

Things You Need To Do

Background Checks for 2013 Re-certification

As you may already know, all USTA officials must complete a biennial (every 2 years)  background check in order for the USTA to renew their certification. The current biennial period is set to expire on December 31, 2012. 

New officials applying for USTA certification, and those officials seeking to be re-certified by the USTA must complete the biennial background check process for the new biennial term which will be from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014.  As of October 1, 2012 applicants will be able to start the new biennial background check process by visiting  You must submit and clear the background check by December 31, 2012.

Finally, if you are a Provisional Umpire who submitted at some point this year you are still required to submit again for 2013 certification.  

2013 Re-certification

We would like to remind officials who wish to be certified for next year to update your work records in the Nucula system. Once you have done so you must press the Recertification Button in the certification section of your account in order to alert your District or Sectional Chairperson of Officials your records are ready to be reviewed.  Most sections review these work records in October so please take note and enter your work records soon.
Please include upcoming events you are assigned to if it impacts your 2013 certification. Please be sure to add in the notes field that the assignment is pending. 


Anonymous said...

I tried and the crappy site said I already had a valid background check.

Anonymous said...

Could it be any harder to find the Recertification button to push? I also tried to get the background check, I was told that I had a valid background check but they were busy so try back again later. I finally got through today

AR Hacked Off said...

same issue with background check on my end, would be nice to have correct information and be able to do it when they say we can do it.

Anonymous said...

When this first appeared I tried to register and it wouldn't let me - saying I had a current check. So I figured there was a bug that needed to be worked out.

So I tried again this morning. Now I can't even get to the ncsi web page to try.

Once again, the well-oiled machine in New York strikes again!

To quote Debra Barone: "Idiots!"

Piggy Piggy said...

Another thing you need to know. It appears Mike Standrod has fallen out of grace from the ITA Gods. He was relegated to going offsite to hand out balls to the back draw qualies matches at the ITA All American. Guess his days of backstabbing to get ahead is coming back to haunt him. It is getting close to Halloween. Maybe that's why he can't work in Texas other then at that elite program in Wacko.

Anonymous said...

I'm the Anonymous from Oct. 4:

I tried again today and everything worked perfectly. Seems like there are more questions this year, but maybe not. Now we'll see how long it takes to get approval.

So I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

Did they add the question asking whether or not you have ever bashed your spouse / domestic partner over head with a coffee mug?

Anonymous said...

I went to the link from the Newsletter and it worked for me.