Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Final Word From Texas On The Recovery Rule

Here is the text of the rule passed by the Texas Section Adult and Senior Tennis Councils as of April 2, 2012:

In the USTA TX Adult, Senior or Super Senior divisions, the regular format of full two of three sets will be used unless there are any singles draws large enough to require 3 singles matches on one day. Those 3 singles matches should be scheduled on the first day of play with the Round 1 in singles scheduled as a 10 point match tie-breaker in lieu of a final third set (which does not require a two hour rest period to be offered before the next singles match). All other Ad/Sr/SS matches will be the full two out of three sets, with a two hour rest period offered for any consecutive singles matches. If both players agree, the 2 hour rest period can be shortened. Doubles matches are not under this 2 hour recovery requirement, and if a doubles match is played between any 2 singles matches, the 2 hour rest period is not required to be offered.


Goofy said...

Looks like Singles - Doubles - Singles to me!

Happy Meal said...

Now the officials will have extra time to go get something to eat!

Anonymous said...

So the bottom line is that if there are two consecutive singles matches they get a two hour rest period. What kind of bs is the Texas Section office trying to feed us? The only recourse for a TD is to make sure there are never two singles matches in a row.

Anonymous said...

How hard is it to understand this part of the rule?

"All other Ad/Sr/SS matches will be the full two out of three sets, with a two hour rest period offered for any consecutive singles matches."

Even an idiot should be able to understand what that says.

Anonymous said...

I see Tournament Tennis slowing way down! Way to go USTA - on the National level...

Actually, it is a sign of the times and a reflection of America in general. People want the easy way out and will sue for anything...including not being in shape to play tennis. We have been playing tennis under the same condition for DECADES.... the problem is ONE person complained and we cave.

America is becoming WEAK!