A blogger recently asked the question about how ITA matches are officiated in Texas and here's the answer:
Baylor Referee plus 6 officials for all matches.
SMU 2-6 officials. Chair some matches.
TCU 3-6 officials. Chair most matches.
University of Houston 2 officials.
Rice 3-6 officials.
University of Texas chair all matches
University of North Texas 3-6 officials. Chair some matches.
UTA 3 officials
Texas A&M chair all matches
Howard Payne 1 official
UTD 1 official
If anyone has figures for other schools we would welcome the information.
Update for TCU. TCU normally uses 6 officials for each match, therefore most matches are chaired. For 2010, there are 23 dual matches at TCU, of which 14 require chairs for each match. The remaining 9 matches use three chairs for the doubles and then those three officials are assigned to rove 2 singles matches each.
At SMU and UTA we usually use 3 but there are numerous openings for training if anyone is qualified and interested.
Oklahoma men--6 officials--chair all matches.
Oklahoma women usually 6 officials to chair all matches; but selected matches will use 3 or 4 officials. chair the doubles.
Oklahoma State men: 4-6 officials; chair doubles and #1 & #2 singles; rove remaining when less than 6.
Oklahoma State women: 3 officials; chair dubs. rove singles.
Texas State Women:
2 officials roving for non-conference matches; 3 officials roving for conference matches and play days/tournaments
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