Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Just So You Know...

Seems like we get more emails about Nucula accounts than any other subject--and that includes all the errors and mistakes we officials make on a regular basis.

Here's an email we received today:

"I've sent everything off...eye, background.  Just exactly how long does this crap take?
I just need a Nucula account damnit."

Can you feel their pain and frustration?  Sure you can...  Getting a Nucula account seems to be the "8th Wonder of the World" and noone seems to know why and noone can ever offer an explanation other than this:

Its time to do something and do it sooner than later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, nailed it. As a District Chair, this is the biggest complaint. Not sure why it takes National Office weeks to make a NUCULA Account when everything has been turned in.