Wednesday, October 04, 2017

A Walk Around Our Tennis World--What We See As Officials

One of the special perks of being a tennis official is that you get to be right there on the court where all the action takes places.  Take a walk with us through some of the things we see...

First and foremost you get to enjoy the "unique" fans.  Some are good and some aren't so good but its quite an experience!

I don't even have words to describe this one.  

Their athleticism is indescribable!

How in the world can she do that?

Some take their cheap thrills where they can get them...

They do have their lighter moments.

Djokovic is the king of the antics!

Then some can't seem to play without having their Mother in the stands.

And this is what happens when he doesn't get his way...

They do get frustrated with themselves don't they?

Just hope you don't get to chair his next match.

1 comment:

Lars said...

In order to move the game along, and not have a coach in your chair questioning why you didn't..........let's make it easy. We call everything else, why not lets? It's confusing at times when you're scheduled for chair, and before the match, the referee advises you should call lets for the ladies, but other times there's not a mention. This negates any doubts from the players and coaches. Before the warm-up and during the coin flip/rules coverage with the players, tell each player you will call lets, which is not to mean they can't (anyone can call a let). Stay constant and be honest...........that's all everyone would hope for. The less confusion, the better.