Thursday, August 03, 2017

To Code Or Not To Code--That Is The Question.

When you are officiating a hotly contested match, there are invariably those moments and issues that come up in which you are not sure if you should code or not.  The Bible teaches that wise man is slow to wrath and slow to anger, so the best advice would be to proceed slowly--and then code if need be.

Here are three of the most common insults hurled at an official...

"You are as blind as a bat."
"Can't you see anything"
"Are you blind???"

If you have officiated for any length of time you have had a player insult you in this manner.  We normally let it pass, but should we???  Its not intended as a compliment.

"You're too old to be officiating."
"How did anyone as old as you get to be an official."
"You are older than my grandmother."

Its against the law to discriminate against someone because of their age but we regularly let players insult us with this issue.  Should we code them or just go on to the nursing home and make them happy?

"You are only coding me because I'm ____ and you are a racist."
"You are a racist pig."
"Why do you hate ____ people.  You are the biggest racist I have ever seen."

Probably the strongest insult of them all.  How many times have you seen the race card played in a confrontation with a player?  Happens more often than not--and should not be tolerated under any circumstance.  They will howl to the moon if you code them for calling you a racist but perhaps its time to draw the line in the sand on this one. 


A.  Always code all three.
B.  Agree that you are old but code the other two.
C.  Code them if they call you "blind as a bat."
D.  Always code the player when they call you a "racist."
E.  Don't code any of them but recommend the player go to sensitivity counseling.
F.  Call their Mother to the court and tell her what her child has said and done. 

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