Wednesday, November 07, 2012

November 7--What An Awful Day This Is!

I'm depressed.  Even a dog shouldn't have to endure a day like today...


Anonymous said...

SAD SAD SAD - What are people thinking? It seems like there is such an entitlement state of mind in America.

Someone PLEASE explain to me how this President can say on Public TV – “I want to make sure ‘middle Amercans’ get a FAIR SHOT!” What is NOT fair about our AMERICA? Why did NO ONE ask him that question?

I am looking forward to giving up more of my income to give and more people entitlements – THEIR FAIR SHARE….. makes it awesome to get up in the morning and go to work.


Anonymous said...

If Obama is really interested in helping "middle americans" then just let all the States in the middle of the country secede. We will take and pay our fair portion of the debt. Split up the military down the middle. They can have their entitlement state, if anyone will finance it, and we can re-form our own America based on the original language and intent of the constitution.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, we learned nothing from the failed Soviet Union. The only ones who got rich were the politicians. When the government takes most of what you make, people stop working. Everything falls apart. Pay off all your debts. It’s going to get worse. I kind of like
9:41's suggestion.

Anonymous said...

I would think y'all would be happy as you still have someone to blame for everything that happens that is bad or you don't like.
This blog is hilarious. Tennis is secondary to its real purpose on this earth.

RM said...

We can definitely blame Obama and all the deluded Democrats for this disgusting day.

Tennis is definitely secondary today.

Anonymous said...

You should be blaming the Republican party for having no direction. The opportunity was ripe and they failed to deliver

Anonymous said...

Face it, the real question is does watching Fox TV make you stupid or do you have to be stupid first to watch it?

There's a study from the Univ of Maryland that Fox viewers like the fools here think there were WMDs in Iraq and that YOUR PRESIDENT, Barack Obama, was born in Kenya.

My vote is you have to be stupid to watch Fox...

RM said...

Funny but I was just thinking the same thing about people who watch CNN.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I know that's true for officials that work pro events.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering and thinking the same things when Bush, version 2, was reelected by the U.S. Supreme Court, but have come to realize that negativity gets one nowhere and is dividing the country, which is illustrated by Congress not being able to agree or compromise on anything.
Anyone who watches any cable news channel regularly is being brainwashed by people who don't have the courage to be in the trenches anymore

RM said...

Am I to assume that you think that watching the major networks is going to get you to the truth?

Anonymous said...

Who said I watched the major networks? And who said media is a source of truth? Those who own media and want to preserve their "jobs" tell you "believe me".
That's not truth, that is the sale of snake oil and both sides are buying big time.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm in the AMC series "The Walking Dead" with all the zombies! The problem is there are more of them than there are of us. AUUGH!

Anonymous said...

I'm with BACO.

Is Fox news not fair, how about CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC? You can switch channel or NEVER turn them on!
However, you cannot turn off, everything we have done to try and make restitution for something NONE of had ANYTHING to do with back in the late 50's! Is there racism - YES - BOTH WAYS!!!!

We have tried to make it more fair than is fair for everyone and yet people still want to suck off the tit. You cannot stop it if you hide from it.

GROW UP and take responsibility. We have to stop the spending and giving out entitlements.

BACO's friend and follower

Anonymous said...

I do not know you - but I think I like you.

Run for President


Billie Jack said...

I like how many states have filed petitions asking to secede from the Union, and especially the fact that Texas has already received the prerequisite 25,000 signatures. Can't believe our Boomer Sooner fans from north of the border haven't done the same thing yet. Wouldn't it be great if we can dissolve our disfunctional union. Hooray for FREEDOM!!!!