Sunday, August 14, 2011

How Would You Rule?

Since everyone seems to like this type of post the best, here you go:


In a men's USTA doubles match, player A (on team A) hit the ball over the net with severe backspin. The ball bounced on the correct side and player B (on team B) was moving to return the ball when it began to go over the net back on to team A's side of the net (without being hit).

As player B was making an attempt to reach over the net and hit the ball before it touched the ground, player A reached in front of him and hit the ball.

Team A claimed the point because they said Player B did not hit the ball before it struck the ground.

How would you rule????


Anonymous said...

Point to Team B.

I suppose the technical rule would be Player A hit the ball twice before Team B had their chance to hit the ball once.

coach10s said...

point for team B because of a hindrance caused by Player B of team A. A player has to given an opportunity to return the original shot.

Tennisgeezer said...

Point for team B; ball had already been played by team A and hit the ground in court B. Team B could have reached over the net (ONLY in this situation) to put it away.

Anonymous said...

Point to Team B due to hindrance. This actually happened in a Mixed Doubles match at the US Open with Bill Barber in the chair. He froze and did nothing.

ZOO GIRL said...

Ditto for Coach10s. YOU RULE!!!

Anonymous said...

Point for team B.

I am actually more dissappointed that this morning's post did not address the possible move of TAMU to the SEC and the possible break up of the Big 12. Perhaps the Texas Exs are feeling a little guilty about being the percepitating factor behind that move.