Friday, June 09, 2017

How Would You Rule on Medical Time Out?

Another interesting scenario and question from the recent ITA Webinar...


In a Division I women's singles match, Player A requests a medical timeout as soon as a changeover begins and the trainer is already seated at her bench.  What do you do?

1.  Announce a medical timeout and then allow the player 90 seconds for the changeover plus two minutes to diagnose and three minutes to treat.

2.  Announce a medical timeout and then give the player two minutes to diagnose and three minutes to treat. 

3.  Tell the player she has to wait until a set break.

4.  Hope noone in the crowd is timing anything.

How would you rule?


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Sorry #1

Anonymous said...

If the trainer is at her bench, I'd say the correct answer is #2. I would advise the player you're on your 90 second change-over and treatment may be provided without taking a medical timeout. Once the Chair announces "time" (at the end of changeover), the player knows they have 30 seconds to get in place and resume play. Treatment will most likely stop. At that time, the player may request a medical timeout, which should provide 2 minutes for evaluation and 3 minutes for treatment.