Friday, July 24, 2015

That Was The Week That Was...

Just about the time you begin to think you have seen everything in a tournament, something new pops up to burst your bubble.  That's the way it was this past weekend in Texas...

First, there was the woman who escaped from the hospital in her hospital gown, climbed the tennis center fence, and was wandering aimlessly through the tournament site.  Eventually the tournament was host to four police cars, two ambulances, and one firetruck just to subdue and restrain the errant woman!  Welcome to Texas...

Second, after a singles match when the boys were shaking hands at the net, Player A reached out to "hug" the other player but in reality he was grabbing him around the neck and pulling him close to say, "I'm going to kick your ___.  Let's go to the parking lot right now and I'll kick your ___ for you." Sadly, the roving official was not close enough to view the incident but I'm sure it will make its way up the chain to the proper authorities.

In today's world, nothing is surprising...

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