Monday, June 10, 2013

"The Gathering" 2013

A great time was had by all at "The Gathering."  Be sure to make your plans now to attend "The Gathering" in June, 2014.

Don Brandy enjoying the food, fun, and fellowship!

Mark Gatzki and Lynn Wiggins laughing at the volleyball players.

Terry Gatzki reacting to her volleyball invitation.

Carol Bruehler and her group of men!

Ron Guse explaining water volleyball to Vickie Wright.

Marla Krueger wondering what Myron is up to now.

Carol Bruehler making her point to Randy.

Vickie Wright and Randy hugging in the kitchen!

Randy trying to figure out what all is happening.

Sara Lammerts and Pam Tolbert in action!

Gary Tolbert serving in the pool.

Pam Tolbert coaching Gary on the right way to do it.

Gary and Pam enjoying a victory celebration!

Tom Wright doing what he does best!

Ty McDonald and Rick Gabel teaming up for victory!

Ty and Sara enjoying the day.

Ty serving to all the old people.

Carol Bruehler and two of her men.

Vickie Wright and Sara Lammerts just enjoying the party.

Volleyball action!

Carol Bruehler in action!

Jennifer and Bob Williamson laughing at everyone else.

Vickie Wright relaxing after a job well done...


Anonymous said...

Damn these officials eat way too much!!!!

Head Basher said...

Is that one of Lois G's coffee cups I see laying around in one of the photos?