Wednesday, May 08, 2013

How Would You Rule?

Here are some interesting scenarios that have been sent in lately.  We would welcome your thoughts and comments:

1. Players hits strings of racquet in frustration with his fist. Does this several time during the match until he finally draws blood causing a bleeding time out. What else, if anything should happen?
2. During doubles, net player stands very close to center service line, (does not cross into receivers box, or cause any unusual noise or hand motion) but moves during the toss. Is this a problem?
3.  During doubles, net player stand behind back service line, but one foot on receivers side of the court and shifts position during server's toss. Does not go into the receiver's box.  Is this allowed?


Anonymous said...

1. Player gets a bleeding timeout regardless of what caused the bleeding. One must consider the risk to the opponent in this situation.

2. Assuming this is an ITA scenario, this is allowed.

3. Again, assuming this is an ITA match this isn't allowed. The reasoning behind this rule has always baffled me.

Michael Fontana said...

Since the player pounding the racket with his fist caused the bleeding time-out, it could be construed as racket abuse and he could be warned or coded for doing so. Unless the bleeding was a deliberate delaying tactic, I don't see how this could be a time penalty unless it was repeated. Good one, certainly not covered directly in FOC!