In the world of tennis officiating most of know the importance of COMMUNICATION AND ENLISTMENT. Without these two ingredients ours will soon be a dying breed--but with them we will grow and prosper for years to come. There are many local coordinators and other officials who spend countless hours (unpaid) in training and enlistment--but we need more help and communication from the top...
I checked out the Texas Section website today and then went to the "Officials" section to peruse the happenings around the state--and much to my surprise, there has been next to nothing done since 2008! On the positive side, at least the officials schools are accurately listed for the rest of this year.
If you check under "Home News" you will find that the last newsletter was posted in December of 2008. Then when you check under "Newsletters" you will find that the last newsletter was from the summer of 2008. We have numerous qualified individuals around the state who can and would do a monthly newsletter. All it takes is the fortitude to ask them...
If we are going to expand our officials base and recruit new officials, then there needs to be some up to date COMMUNICATION in our ranks!
Surely we have the right to expect more...
Let the Sampley bashing begin!!
But let's look beyond our Officials leadership. Where's the Section's leadership in this miasma? Nowhere to be found, I'm afraid.
This may already have gone through but, not sure. So here we go again....
Let the Sampley bashing begin! Let him delegate some responsibility. In case he doesn;t know, that's something that leaders do.
But, should he bear the brunt of the criticism? Where's the sectional leadership in this miasma? Can't anyone step forward at the sectional level to right this ship?
Can't someone simply volunteer?
Better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission...sometimes.
I think some have volunteered but have never been taken up on their offers. Just look at the newsletters in Houston and Dallas--they are awesome--and done by volunteers. We just need to find a way to communicate with our officials on a regular basis or we are going to continue to lose them.
Let me say that I completely agree with the cavernous void of communication from the Texas Section. It has been that way for years, hasn't changed, and isn't going to change. We have blogged about this before and the reality is very clear . . . Bruce has a lifetime appointment and Austin doesn't care to do anything different.
We know this entire group is totally impotent. It is because of this that Dallas & Houston have their own newsletter; they also have their own training programs; other local groups have come up with ways to get information to their people, etc.
Arizona passed their own law since the federal government wouldn't enforce existing immigration laws. Its the same with local tennis officials' groups: they are filling the void left by the impotence of the Texas Section. And it is probably working much better than anything Austin could come up with . . . . so let's enjoy what we have and stop wringing our hands over something that isn't going to change in our lifetime!
That's my humble opinion!
GOOD NEWS! The USTA Texas section has advertised on Facebook that the officials schools are upcoming.
We're making progress...
Facebook is progress. But how many older officials participate in Facebook?
However, if we are trying to attract younger officials, this is probably a great move.
At least it is something . . . . wonder if the next change will happen before 2012?
Interesting article in this week's Sports Illustrated about John McEnidiot launching a tennis academy. Johnny-boy takes the USTA to task for sitting on "an obscene amount of money" estimated at $150-million, instead of investing in the future of US tennis. Fat and out of touch is how John has characterized the USTA in the past. Interesting comments in the article about the USTA providing a coach for that poor, underpriviledged, starving, tennis player Serena Williams. EXCUSE ME....doesn't she have more money thn most countries? But the USTA provides her coaching!?! So maybe the fat and out of touch moniker applies to the Texas section, as well. Anybody seen an accounting of how much money our section is sitting on? They sure aren't spending anything on officiating.
Personally I do not think it is the job of the staff at the Texas Section office to do our work. That responsibility lies with the Sectional Chairman and the Officials Committee. I do know that whenever I sent something to Granger Huntress to be put on the internet site it was usually there within an hour... Seems to me that the staff isn't getting anything from anyone.
Some strong opinions out there.
Please, if someone has something that they would like to be put on the website, email me anytime. As the staff liaison of the Officials Committee, I can honestly say that the Competitive Department of USTA Texas spends a great deal of resources on our Texas Officials(read: time, money)
As for problems with volunteers and chairpersons, the president of the section is a great person to contact regarding issues with Committee members.
I encourage everyone to contact me with specific issues. If the needs of Texas officials are not being met, then I will correct that.
Please elaborate on specific examples of the impotence and lack of leadership in the Section and I can take the issues to the Executive Director and the appropriate folks here at the office. Unless the claims of impotence and lack of leadership refer to me, in which case, call my boss.
I do not think either Rubel or McAllister read this blog regularly, so unless you notify them, or ask me too personally, your opinions are going to be taken for what they are worth...an anonymous rant on a blog. Good luck making a difference with that.
I will say that in 18 months in this position not a single person has called me (other than Randy) to discuss problems with our Officials programming.
I challenge you to make a difference...maybe identifying yourself would be a good start. I can help you all enjoy your officiating experience, but you have to allow me to help.
I will not be reading the anonymous comments after this post. However, please bring your concerns to me personally. If I dont have one voicemail or email from you folks, I will be forced to do what you are claiming is being done all ready.....nothing.
Thanks for your support of this great game that we love so much.
Our number one goal is to grow the game and we need the support of our officials to do just that.
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