Friday, July 17, 2009

What A Beautiful Day To Be Alive And To Be A Tennis Official

What a beautiful day to be alive and able to officiate tennis matches! I woke up this morning and there had been a little rain but the sun was shining through... Made me think of all the good things we have here in Texas. Here are a few:

* We have the most officials of any section in the USA.
* We have the best and most qualified officials to be found anywhere.
* We have the highest quality ITA tennis anywhere in the land.
* We have the best ITA coaches in America.
* We have some fantastic coordinators in our big cities and some great people serving in the smaller areas.
* We can stay at home in Texas and have everything we want.

In order to fully enjoy all our blessings, I am taking my two children (Brady on the left, and Phoebe on the right) to the lake today so they can chase ducks and swim all they want...

And since we live in Texas where everything is bigger and better--just imagine what it would be like to bbq on something like this!

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